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Meta AI Rolls Out to Users in India Across WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook

Meta AI Rolls Out to Users in India Across WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook

Meta AI Arrives in India: Integration Across WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook

India Gets Access to Meta's AI Assistant

In a move that signals Meta's commitment to the Indian market, Meta AI, the company's AI assistant, has officially rolled out to users in India. As of June 24, 2024, Indian users on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook can now interact with Meta AI to experience its capabilities. This integration signifies a broader effort by Meta to introduce advanced AI functionalities directly within its popular social media and messaging platforms.

Features and Functionality

Meta AI is a general-purpose AI assistant designed to answer user queries, provide real-time information retrieval, and complete basic tasks. Here's a glimpse of what Indian users can expect:

Search Assistant: Meta AI can function as a search assistant within the aforementioned platforms. Users can ask questions and receive information powered by Google Search and Microsoft Bing.
Text Summarization: Lengthy articles or text passages can be summarized by Meta AI, allowing users to grasp key points efficiently.

Image and GIF Generation: Meta AI has the capability to generate images and GIFs based on user prompts. This can be a creative tool for content creation or communication.

Multilingual Support: While the initial rollout offers English language support, it's possible that Meta AI will incorporate additional languages spoken in India in the future.
Integration and Accessibility

WhatsApp: Users can access Meta AI directly within their WhatsApp chats by typing "@MetaAI" followed by their query.

Instagram: Meta AI can be found within the Instagram search bar, allowing users to search for information or ask questions.

Facebook: Facebook users can interact with Meta AI while scrolling through their news feed or by searching for "Meta AI" within the platform.

Website: Meta AI is also accessible through a dedicated website (, providing a central hub for users to interact with the AI assistant.

The Future of Meta AI in India

The rollout of Meta AI in India marks a significant step towards integrating advanced AI functionalities into everyday social media and messaging experiences. With its potential to enhance information access, streamline communication, and foster creative expression, Meta AI's future development in India will be worth watching. It remains to be seen how Meta AI will evolve to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Indian user base.

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